National Institute for Health and Care Research

Supporting Early Minds

We are a Research Network dedicated to supporting the development of children under 5 and their families by increasing research capacity.

Welcome to the Supporting Early Minds Research Network

Families deserve advice, support and services based on evidence and expertise.

We want to help develop a research agenda focused on more targeted, effective and accessible interventions to support emotional and cognitive development in under 5s.

Our Network aims to bring together early years practitioners and policy makers across England to work with researchers and families to gather and share research and develop best practice in ways best suited to individual communities.

More About Us

Do you share our passion?

We aim to expand research on interventions aimed at the social and emotional development of young children, explore the impact of nurturing care, psychosocial factors and environmental influences, and provide relevant evidence for policy makers and practitioners who work on a day-to-day basis with children and families. Sign up for free today.

Join the Network

For 0-5s Services

We will support local services and organisations through the steps to becoming ready to take part in research, facilitate connections between researchers and research-ready services and sites, and encourage research-ready sites to take a lead in developing new research projects.

Get involved in research

For Researchers

We want to hear from researchers or research groups looking to collaborate with early years services and practitioners to design, deliver and disseminate new evidence on the social and emotional development of children under 5 years.

We will facilitate partnerships between researchers and research-ready services and settings, by sharing opportunities to get involved in research with our Network. The process for becoming a partner research project is currently under development.


Setting priorities for 0-5 research

We want to identify the top 10 research questions on social and emotional development of babies, toddlers and young children that need answering within the 0-5 sector.

We are currently working on a funding application and want as many 0-5 services and organisations as possible to get involved in developing the bid.


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